
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

21/9/15 Monday 寶寶蘿蔔糕

Happy Monday dear all mummies.... Keep fighting ~ 
I like a Hong Kong drama recently and there is a slogan "Love is omnipotent" “愛是無所不能”。Therefore, I understand why I can do this to my loved one... ^.^

Breakfast: Homemade White Toast with cheese slice and honey, fresh milk and fresh dates

Lunch: Macaroni with tomato cheese soup

Teatime: Radish Cake and steam onion juice

White Toast 白土司
(egg free and milk free 无蛋无奶)
375g high protein flour 高筋粉
255g water 水
4.5g instant dry yeast 酵母
23g sugar 糖
3g salt 盐 (original recipe was 6g 原食谱是6克)
30g unsalted butter 无盐奶油

Tesco Bread maker method /Tesco 面包机做法:
1) Add in wet ingredients first into the bread maker, after that dry ingredients. for example: water > flour > left side sugar > right side salt, center poke a hole and pour in the yeast then covered by flour.
2) press "dough" function for 20mins
3) add in butter and reset "basic" function, "1.5lbs" weight, "light crust" and run till the end.

1) 一般面包机做法,先放水分的食材,然后才放粉类。例如:水 》 面粉 》 糖和盐各放在一角 》中间挖一个小洞放酵母,再用面粉盖回去。
2)按 8号(打面团)走20分钟。

Macaroni with Tomato Cheese Soup

Pasta or any types of desired pasta, cook as per instructions 

My way of cooking to avoid mushy and soggy pasta and can last till dinner:~
1) I cook pasta as per instruction on packaging, 
2) drain away the hot water
3) soak pasta in a big bowl of ICE cold water for 30 seconds
4) drain away the cold water
5) add 1-2 tsp grapeseed oil or olive oil to the pasta and mix well

for reheating:~
1) Just scoop out the pasta portion, steam for 5 mins.
2) Pour in the heated pasta sauce
3) Ready to serve~ 

Tomato cheese soup 
Ingredients A: 
20 pcs cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup water

Ingredients B:
some olive oil
1/2 onion (chopped finely)
20g bega cheddar cheese
1 cup water
some carrot
1 celery 
dash of pepper powder

1) Blend the ingredients A till smooth, sieve away skin, set aside
2) Heat pan with olive oil, saute onion till fragrant then add in carrot and celery, stir fry for a while
3) pour in the blended ingredients A
3) pour in 1 cup water, boil then simmer for 2-3 mins.
4) add in cheese and cook till cheese melted..
5) add in dash of pepper powder
6) off fire and done.

Radish Cake 寶寶蘿蔔糕
Ingredients 材料:
150g Radish 白蘿蔔
50g Rice Flour 在来米粉
2-3 small dried mushroom 小的香菇/花菇
1/2 Onion (chopped) 洋葱(切碎)
dash of pepper and salt 適量胡椒粉和鹽
1/4 tsp liquid amino/light soy sauce 淡醬油/少鹽醬油/氨基醬油

Steps 做法:
1) shred the radish,add pinch of salt and squeeze out the juice in a bowl then add in the rice flour and mix well. (shred radish 69g and juice 81g i had from 150g radish) 蘿蔔擦絲,加一点点鹽,擠出水分,將在来米粉加入擠出的蘿蔔水中攪拌均勻。 (150g蘿蔔擠完後剩餘約69g,水分81g,恰好用做和米粉的水)

2) heat pan, add some oil, saute the onion and mushroom till fragrant, add in dash of pepper and salt and off fire. 熱鍋,加點油,加入洋蔥碎和切絲的香菇翻炒片刻。最後加入適量的胡椒粉和鹽(我放2粒米版大小的分量)即可熄火。

3) add the onion and mushroom into the radish mixture, add in the liquid amino and mix well. 把炒香的洋蔥和香菇加入蘿蔔米粉漿中,加入淡醬油,攪拌均勻。

4) pour the mixture into a grease pan, steam at high heat for 20-25mins. cool down then remove from pan. 把蘿蔔粉漿倒入抹過油的盤子裡,大火蒸20-25分鐘。防涼後倒扣脫模即可。

5) ready to serve or slice and pan fry it for better taste. 可直接食用或冷藏後切片,煎至金黃色。


How to boost immune system by natural way?
Steam Onion Juice
suitable for little one who is suffering from flu and cough
8-12mo once daily (1 onion)
12mo above twice daily (1 onion)
(result might be vary to different people)

Steam Onion Juice
2 big Onion

1) peel and cut onion
2) put onion in a bowl
3) put the bowl in the steamer and steam for 15mins high heat, then turn low heat and continue steaming for 45mins
4) cool down and sieve through a coffee strainer
5) ready to serve

2 粒大洋蔥



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