
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

15/9/2015 Tuesday 優格酸奶溶豆

Happy Tuesday and Happy Holiday for mummies in Malaysia as school is closed today and tomorrow is public holiday.

Breakfast: Capsicum omelette, kiwi and fresh milk

Lunch and Dinner: White rice, prawn meat ball (fried and steam 2 styles) and beetroot soup

Teatime: Yogurt Melts and honey lemon 

Capsicum Omelette
1/4 green capsicum
1 brown button mushroom
some spring onion
1 egg (lightly beaten)
dash of pepper and rice size salt to taste

1) cut capsicum into short slices
2) cut mushroom into slices  and dice the spring onion
3) heat pan, add some rice bran oil, pour in the capsicum, mushroom and spring onion
4) stir fry for a while and add in egg
5) add in pepper and salt, pan fry till both sides cooked

Prawn Meat Balls (Pan fry/steam)
40g pork tenderloin
4-5 medium size prawns
some spring onion
1" carrot
2 tbsp pine nuts
dash of pepper and salt to taste
few drops liquid amino

some corn flour for coating if pan frying the meat balls

1) chop meat and prawn till minced
2) place the minced meat in a bowl, add in spring onion, shredded carrot, pepper, salt, liquid amino and pine nuts,mix well.
3) use 1 tsp spoon to scoop the mixture, roll into balls ( damn your hands for easier handling)
4a) place the balls on a plate (if steaming is preferred), steam for 10 mins in medium heat. 
4b) coat each ball with some corn flour, pan fry or deep fry till golden brown

40克 梅肉
2 湯匙 松仁
適量 胡椒粉
適量 海鹽

一些玉米粉 (如果是煎法)

2. 把肉泥放進一個碗裡,加入刨成絲的胡蘿蔔,蔥花,胡椒粉,鹽和松仁, 一起攪拌均勻。
4a. 煎:把每粒肉丸沾上少許玉米粉,用小火兩面煎到熟透即可。
4b. 蒸:把每粒肉丸一一擺進蒸盤裡,中火蒸10分鐘。


原味優格 30克
嬰兒奶粉 25克 (如果没有,全脂奶粉/玉米粉代替)
玉米澱粉 12克
蛋清 50g
細砂糖 10克 (我加7克而已)
檸檬汁 幾滴(加蛋白中去腥和稳定蛋白泡泡)

1. 稱出適量優格 ,把奶粉與玉米澱粉過篩後與優格攪拌均勻後備用。奶粉為無糖的嬰兒配方奶粉。

2. 蛋清在無水、無油清潔的容器中打發,當魚眼泡時加入細砂糖,打發至硬性發泡。很硬那種,拉出攪頭很短的尖那種。

3. 將優格糊與蛋白糊混合翻拌後,不需要過度攪拌,快手操作,提前預熱烤箱,我用100度左右就可以,記得鋪上矽膠墊哦!強烈推薦,以前我用烤紙,這幾次用的矽膠墊超級給力,裝入裱花袋中可用圓嘴或者我這種中號六齒擠出小饅頭或者小塔糖的形狀!




1. 請根據自家烤箱溫度做調整,我的烤箱比較大,小烤箱的火力比較猛。要看著一下,以免糊掉。



Plain Yogurt Melts
30g Natural Greek Yogurt (or using flavoured yogurt)
25g milk powder / baby formula milk powder
12g corn starch
50g egg white
10g castor sugar (I used 7g only)
1/2 tsp lemon juice or vinegar

1) sieve milk powder and corn starch into the yogurt

2) add the lemon juice into egg white, beat the egg white with sugar till hard peak form

3) add 1/3 of the egg white into the yogurt mixture, mix well

4) add the yogurt mixture into the 2/3 of the egg white and fold well gently but quickly.

5) preheat oven at 120'C

6) put the mixture in a piping bag or plastic bag, cut a 0.7cm hole at the edge

7) Squeeze out mixture onto baking tray laid with non stick parchment paper

8) Bake at 100'C for 60mins or till the cookies easily be removed from the parchment paper

9) let the cookies sit in the oven for further 5-10mins is recommended.


  1. Corn starch & corn flour is different ingredient? How to differentiate? Thanks🙋🏻

  2. Corn starch & corn flour is different ingredient? How to differentiate? Thanks🙋🏻

  3. I saw the video is sugar mixture with yogurt, milk powder and beat egg whites with vinegar. It's confusing with the menu
