
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Monday, November 30, 2015

30/11/2015 迷你夾心蛋糕 (mon)

Happy Monday and Good Bye November~
The past weekend we did not go back my mother's house and I have plenty of time in doing some laundries and baking at home. Last night I baked the Mini soft pancake with peanut butter for my 28mo lo as breakfast this morning. While I was applying peanut butter to the pancake, she came to me ask for the pancake. She finished one and came again for another. Finally she took 2 big size pancakes and 2 small size pancakes and shared 1 bite for the big pancake with mommy.

昨晚烘烤了迷你夾心蛋糕, 冷卻後,我在塗抹花生醬時,寶寶走過來,向我要了一個解饞。我給了一個小的。寶寶吃完了,又過來討了另一個小的。可是,寶寶還不夠,結果又討了2個大的。最後那個我交代不可以再吃了,肚子脹咯~ 還好最後那個寶寶給我吃了一口。 (寶寶年齡:2y4m)

最近有位朋友對我說,她嘗試了3次都不太成功的地瓜糕(Pauline Hung 媽咪分享的鮮奶糕的食譜)。於是我告訴她,好吧~幫她跟著食譜做一次。結果,成品也是一樣不像該媽咪的照片那般紮實,而是有點太軟的感覺,所以改了該食譜,希望她這次可以成功。

Breakfast : Mini soft pancakes, sweet potato kuih and steam onion juice
Lunch: Aglio E Olio and mushroom soup
Teatime : Apple Slice Biscuits and Tomato juice

( A): 15毫升全脂牛奶/鮮奶/豆奶/嬰兒配方奶
                2顆 蛋黃
                40g 低筋粉/蛋糕粉/普通麵粉/中筋麵粉
(B ) : 2顆 蛋白
                 15克 有機蔗糖/白砂糖
                 1/2茶匙 檸檬汁/醋

1 )材料(A )混合後,備用。
2 )預熱烤箱160'C度。
3 )材料(B )打至濕性發泡後,再將打發的蛋白分兩次倒入( 1 )拌勻。
4)把麵糊舀入擠花袋/塑膠袋,底部剪個小洞,擠麵糊到不粘烤紙/布上/矽膠墊 (超級給力也环保可重复使用),輕輕地擠成35-40mm圓狀。 (好像馬卡龍那般^.*) 擠好後,可以用手指稍微抹平凸/尖的表面。

擠麵糊示範/Demo on squeezing the batter

Mini Soft "PANCAKE" with Jam
Egg Yolk Batter:
2 Egg Yolks
20ml Grapeseed Oil/any vege oil
15ml Fresh Milk/any milk
40g Cake Flour / all purpose flour

2 Egg Whites
20g castor sugar
few drops vinegar/lemon juice

Some fruit jam / peanut butter (homemade/store bought)

1) Preheat oven to 160'C.
2) Place a parchment paper or non-stick baking sheet on the baking tray.
3) In a mixing bowl, add in egg yolk, oil and milk, mix well then sieve in flour and mix till combined. Set aside.
4) Place the egg whites and vinegar/lemon juice into a clean bowl and whisk till bubbly then add in sugar by 2 portions. Continue whisking until stiff peaks form, approximately 2 minutes.
5) Transfer 1/3 of the egg whites to the egg yolk batter and mix well. Add the remaining egg whites and fold in gently. 
6) Pour batter into a piping bag (no need nozzle) or plastic bag, cut small hole at the edge and gently squeeze out batter onto the parchment paper (just like making macarons ^.*)
7) Bake for 20mins or light golden brown on the surface.
8) Place the pancake on the wire rack for cooling down.
9) Spread a thin layer of jam / peanut butter on one side of the pancake then place another pancake and fix together.

西藍花 半碗
3粒 鵪鶉蛋(熟)


Spaghetti Aglio e Olio
1 baby bowl cooked spaghetti
1/2 bowl broccoli florets
3 quail eggs (hard boiled)
3-4 cloves garlic (sliced)
1 tbsp olive oil
some dried parsley
some garlic powder
sea salt a little bit

1) sauteed garlic with the olive oil
2) add in broccoli to stir fry for a while
3) sprinkle some salt
4) add in cooked spaghetti to stir fry for a while
5) add in dried parsley and garlic powder
6) stir fry mix well and serve with quail eggs

Apple Slice Biscuits 

Sweet potato kuih
70g Mashed Japanese sweet potato
50g plain water
35g Rice flour
50g Fresh milk

1 ) Mix the mashed sweet potato with water, stir well. (figure 1)
2 ) Mix rice flour and fresh milk, stir well. (figure 1)
3 ) Place a greased 5-6 inch plate/container into the steamer, turn on fire. (figure 2)
4 ) Sieve (1 ) into ( 2 ) and mix well. ( Figures 3 and 4 )
5 ) Once the steamer water boils, pour (4) into the greased container and steam for 15 minutes. ( Figures 5, 6 and 7 )

日本番薯泥 70克
清水 50克
鮮奶 50克

1)把番薯泥和水混合,攪拌均勻。 (圖1)
2)把在來米粉加入鮮奶,攪拌均勻。 (圖1)
3)把一個5-6寸的盤子/容器抹一層油,放入蒸鍋,開火加熱。 (圖2)
4)把(1)過篩入(2),攪拌均勻。 (圖3 和 圖4)
5)這是蒸鍋裡的水已經煮沸了,把(4)倒進抹了油的容器中,蒸15分鐘即可。 (圖5,6和7)

recipe please click / 食譜請按

29/11/2015 洋葱雞肉條

35克 洋葱(切小塊)
35克 雞胸肉
一顆 蛋黄
50克 太白粉
1/2 茶匙蔗糖/任何糖類
5克 融化的無鹽奶油

2) 切一個洋蔥,也稱出所要的重量在同一個個杯子。
3) 加入一顆蛋黃和蔗糖,用攪拌機打成綿密到看不見洋蔥粒粒就可以了。
4) 加入太白粉,用湯匙攪拌均勻後加入融化的奶油,攪拌均勻即可。
5) 把麵糊倒入一個膠袋子裡裡,剪個小洞,就擠出條狀/任何喜歡的型狀在不粘烤紙/布上。
6) 送進已經預熱的烤箱150'C, 烤15-20分鍾。半途可以轉換烤盤方向。當看見餅乾開始上色,馬上關掉電源,燜5分鐘即可。

Chicken Onion Rings
35g onion ( cut into small pieces )
35g chicken breast
1 egg yolk
50g potato starch
1/2 teaspoon cane sugar / any type of sugar
5g unsalted butter (melted)

1) Cut the chicken breast into smaller pieces
2) Cut the onion and add in the cup together with the chicken breast.
3) add in the egg yolk and sugar then blend till very smooth.
4) add in potato starch and melted butter and stir well with a spoon.
3) put the mixture into a plastic bag and cut a hole at the edge (about 5mm dia.)
4) squeeze out sticks or any shapes on the parchment paper which laid on baking tray.
5) bake at preheated oven of 150'C for 15-20 mins (turning tray half way). Once the onion sticks starts turning into light golden brown, off the oven power and the the sticks stay inside oven for another 5 mins before removing them out from the oven

p/s: texture is very crunchy once you bake it completely dry and you can keep for 2-3 days in air tight container.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

28/11/2015 蘋果薄片脆餅

蔗糖5克 (可以省略)


1) 把蛋白放入一个碗,加入蔗糖,攪拌至糖融化即可,不必打發。
2) 加入蘋果泥和奶油,拌匀。最後加入麵粉攪拌成無粉狀態。
3) 預熱烤箱160'C。
4) 用一茶匙的量匙,舀一茶匙麵糊在不粘烤紙/布,用量匙的背面把麵糊以畫圏圏地推開成薄狀。把一片蘋果乾放在麵糊上面,輕按均匀一下即可。(如果没有蘋果乾薄片,不放也可,餅乾依然薄脆好吃)
5) 重覆做法(4)至麵糊用完。
6) 送進烤箱烘烤10分鍾,然後取出,轉換盘向,調低温度至140'C繼續烘烤10分鐘或至邊緣上色,闗掉電源。讓餅乾燜至金黄色即大功告成咯。

Apple Slice Biscuits
40g Egg White
35g Cake Flour
5g cane sugar (can omit)
8g melted Unsalted butter
25g Apple puree
20-25slices Dehydrated Apple slices

** Sliced ​​apples, Dried by using food dehydrator.
If you do not have the dehydrator, can bake it by using oven, bake at 100'C for 20-30 minutes. (Depending on the thickness of the apple slices )

1 ) Pour the egg white into a bowl, add sugar and stir until sugar melts. (Do not require mixer to do so)
2) add in apple puree and melted butter, mix well. Finally, add the flour and stir until smooth.
3 ) Preheat oven 160'C.
4 ) Use a teaspoon "measuring spoon" to scoop a teaspoon of batter onto the non-stick baking sheet. Use the back of the spoon to spread the batter by circle motion into thin layer. Place a slice of dry apple slice on the batter and lightly press evenly. ( If you do not have dry apple slices, just omit it, the biscuits still crunchy delicious)
5 ) repeat step ( 4 ) until all batter finished.
6 ) bake in the oven for 10 minutes, then remove from oven and turn away the baking tray to another side and return to the oven. Reduce the temperature to 140'C and continue to bake for another 10 minutes or until the edges start turning golden brown. Off the oven power and let the biscuits stay in the oven until golden brown evenly.


Friday, November 27, 2015

27/11/2015 燕麥椰子餅乾 (fri)

Happy Friday Dear All...
There is a meeting this morning and I did't want to be late to the office. Therefore, I baked the coconut oat cookies last night for my 28mo gal as teatime snack today. Resulted I really reached office on time this morning...hahaha... (actually I always late to work recently as I always late to depart from home and traffic on road is not so good.)

Breakfast: Steam edamame, wholemeal mantou and fresh milk
Lunch and Dinner: Kunbu Peanut Chicken porridge
Teatime: Coconut Oat Cookies and Honey lemon 


Breakfast: Wholemeal Steam Bun, Edamame and fresh milk

Kunbu Peanut Chicken Porridge
1 pc kunbu (10cmX10cm, soak and cut into tiny slices)
4 tbsp Brown Rice (pre-soaked overnight)
3 tbsp Peanuts (pre-soaked overnight)
1/2 carrot (sliced)
1 chicken drumstick
1/4 pc chicken breast

1) cook 1 litre water in a medium pot
2) blanc the chicken drumstick for 2 mins
3) cook chicken breast, drumstick, peanut in the boiling water
4) add in brown rice and kunbu after 30mins
5)add in carrot after 10mins of step 4
6) cook till the consistency as desired, off fire. 

1片昆布( 10cmX10cm ,浸泡後切成細条)
4湯匙 糙米(預浸泡过夜)
3湯匙 花生仁(預浸泡过夜)
1/2 条胡蘿蔔(切片)
1只 雞腿
1/4 块 雞胸肉

2 )把雞腿在另一个小锅沸水里川燙去血水雜質。
3 )把雞胸肉,雞腿和花生放入在大锅里煮30分钟后,加入糙米和昆布丝。
4 )大概10分钟后,再把胡蘿蔔加入粥里。

Coconut Oat Cookies
1 egg white (40g)
33g desiccated coconut
20g organic Instant Oat
7g cake flour
18g cane sugar

1) mix flour with desiccated coconut, set aside
2) beat egg white and sugar with electric mixer till soft peak form
3) add the coconut flour into the egg white, mix gently
4) add in instant oat and mix well too
5) scoop the mixture into a piping bag
6) preheat oven at 180'C
7) cut a hole at the edge and squeeze 10-12mm width each batter on the non-stick baking sheet
8) bake for 10mins at the middle rack, remove and turn the other side, put at upper rack and continue baking for 5min or till light golden brown. Off power and let the cookies stay inside oven for another 10mins before removing it from oven.
9) keep in air tight container after cooling down

1 顆蛋白 (40克)
33g 椰蓉/ 椰茸/ 椰子粉(desiccated coconut)在烘焙原料店都可以買到
20g 有機即食燕麥
7g 蛋糕粉/底筋粉
18g 蔗糖/細砂糖

6)把麵糊舀入擠花袋/朔膠袋,擠出大約10-12mm 的一小堆的形狀在不粘烤紙/布上。

 Honey Lemon 蜂蜜檸檬水

Thursday, November 26, 2015

26/11/2015 Thursday 蒜香奶油豬排蓋飯

This morning I woke up as usual but dragging time in checking recipes that what shall I cook today for my 28mo lo. Ended up I can start cooking at 5.30am. Supposed to try on the Ringo Otome Thin Biscuit but since not enough time, I had postponed this plan to this weekend. 

Breakfast: Bread Egg Roll and fresh milk
Lunch and Dinner: Garlic creamy pork chop Rice
Teatime: Steam Radish with goji berry and steam egg cupcake

Bread Egg Roll
1 slice homemade plain toast
15g cheddar cheese
1 egg
1/2 tbsp fresh milk

1) crack egg in a bowl and add in fresh milk, mix well
2) cut away 4 sides of the toast, cut toast into 4 stripes
3) cube the cheddar cheese into tiny size
4) pour egg mixture into a heated egg roll pan, then place the toast strip on it. Sprinkle the cheese cubes on it too.
5) start rolling from 1 side until the other side.
6) pan fry till light golden brown.

15克 切達乾酪
1個 雞蛋
1/2湯匙 鮮奶

1 )把雞蛋打在碗裡,加入鮮奶,拌勻。
2 )把麵包的4邊切掉,然後切成4條麵包條。
3 )把切達乾酪切成小顆粒。
4 )加熱蛋捲鍋(往下拉有照片看),倒入蛋液,將麵包條排放好,然後撒上切達乾酪顆粒即可。
6 )煎至淺金黃色就大功告成咯。

Garlic Creamy Pork Chop Rice
Ingredients: (2 baby servings)
2 small bowls cooked white rice
60g Pork Tenderloin
3-4 cloves garlic (crushed)
1/2  - 1 tsp Liquid Amino
dash of pepper power
1 tbsp corn flour
1 quail egg

creamy sauce:
5g unsalted butter
1/2 tbsp flour
1/2 cup fresh milk / fullcream milk
1/2 cup water
10g cheddar cheese
some mix herbs

1) Slice the pork tenderloin into 6 slices
2) add in liquid amino, pepper and crushed garlic, marinate for at least 30mins
3) add in quail egg and corn flour, mix well well.
4) heat pan with some oil, pan fry the pork chops till both sides are cooked.
5) with the same pan, add in butter and flour, stir fry for a while.
6) pour in milk and continue stir well and get thick mixture
7) add in water, cheese and cook till cheese is melted
8) add in some mix herbs and off fire.
9) scoop cooked rice in 2 separate bowls, place the pork chops on top of both rice
10) pour in the creamy sauce on the pork chop, serve together with some steam vegetables. 

材料: ( 2寶寶份)
60克 豬里脊
3-4瓣 大蒜(剁碎)
1/2 - 1茶匙薄鹽醬油/天然醬油l​​iquid amino)
胡椒粉 適量
1湯匙 玉米粉
1顆 鵪鶉蛋 (或少許蛋液)

5克 無鹽奶油
1/2湯匙 普通麵粉
1/2杯 鮮奶/全脂牛奶
1/2杯 清水
10克 切達乾酪
混合香料 適量

1 )把豬裡脊肉切成6片薄片。
2 )加入薄鹽醬油,胡椒粉和蒜米蓉,醃至少30分鐘
3 )加入鵪鶉蛋和玉米粉,拌勻。
4 )把少許油加入燒熱的鍋,放入豬排,把兩面煎熟。
6 )倒入牛奶,繼續攪拌均勻煮成濃稠。
7 )加​​入水和切達乾酪碎,煮至奶酪融化。
8 )加入一些香料就可以熄火了。
9 )舀米飯入2個碗裡,把豬排放在米飯上面。
10 )淋上奶油醬,配合一些蒸蔬菜一起享用即可。

Steam Egg Cake
Ingredients :
2 Eggs
40g Cake flour
1 tbsp rice bran oil
25g Cane Sugar

1) In a mixing bowl, add in eggs and sugar. Beat the eggs with electric mixer till ribbon stage.
2) Add in oil and beat for few seconds.
3) Sieve in flour by 2 times and gently fold till well combined.
4) Steam in high heat for 8-10mins
5) Remove cakes from steamer immediately.




Steam Radish with goji berry and rock sugar
1 radish
6 tiny pcs natural rock sugar 
12 goji berries
some honey

1) peel and cut radish into 6 portions, dig out the middle part and form like a "cup" then place them in a plate.
2) place 2 goji berries and 1 tiny rock sugar into each radish "cup"
3) steam at medium heat for 20mins.
4) after cool down a bit, add 1 drop honey into each radish "cup" and ready to serve.  
I used this to cook the egg roll

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

25/11/2015 Wednesday 蘋果薄片煎餅

                Happy Wednesday dear all mummies~
Hubby ever tried once the famous Japanese Ringo Otome (蘋果乙女 Apple Slice Biscuit) from his Japanese boss. N years ago, he did mentioned few times about how yummy is this Apple Slice Biscuit and asked if I know how to make it.
Today I made it for my both babies (Big & small) this trial Apple Slice PANCAKE. After this trial will make the BISCUIT version.

今天做了日本有名的蘋果乙女(りんご乙女 Ringo Otome) 給我的超大寶寶(老公) and 2y4m的女寶寶。幾年前老公吃過這款餅乾後念念不忘,還問過我幾次是否會做。。今天用平底鍋先试做煎餅,明天才正式做餅乾版。。

Breakfast: Apple slice pancake and fresh milk

Lunch and Dinner: Pumpkin noodle with winter melon soup and fried chicken

Teatime: The Stunning Killer Toast and honey dew yoghurt drinks 

低筋麵粉 70g
無鋁泡打粉 1茶匙
蘋果泥 50g (用料理棒磨1/2蘋果+ 1湯匙牛奶)
蛋 1個
蔗砂糖 20g
無鹽奶油(融化) 30g
蘋果切薄片16片 (我用刨絲器切了,然後用烘乾機把蘋果烘乾。用烤箱也可以的,100度烤15-30分鐘,視蘋果片的厚度。)

3. 把粉分3次篩入蛋液中,攪拌均勻。
4. 用最小的火加熱不粘平底鍋,抹上薄薄的一層油。
5. 用量匙“1湯匙”舀一湯匙麵糊在平底鍋上。
6. 把一片蘋果薄片放在麵糊上面,用一張不粘烤紙/不粘烤布蓋上,再用一個平底的小鍋或碗壓在烤紙上面。稍微用一點力盡量壓扁即可。
7. 大概幾秒鐘,把不粘烤紙/布拿開。翻另一面繼續煎至兩面都金黃色。


for Hubby

Apple Slice Pancakes 
70g Cake flour
1 tsp Aluminum-free baking powder
50g Apple sauce (blend 1/2 apple + 1 tbsp milk)
1 egg
Cane sugar 20g
Unsalted butter ( melted ) 30g
16 pcs Apple slices  ( I slice with a grater, then use the dehydrator to dry them. You can also use oven to bake at 100'C for 15-30 minutes, depending on thickness of apple slices . )

1. mix flour and aluminum-free baking powder evenly.
2. mix well the egg, sugar, melted butter and apple sauce.
3. Sift flour into egg mixture by 3 times.
4. Heat non-stick pan with low heat, brush a thin layer of oil on the pan.
5. use "table spoon" to scoop a tbsp of batter and pour into the pan.
6. Place an apple slice on top of the batter, use a non-stick baking sheet to cover the apple batter. Then use a flat-bottomed pot or bowl to press on the baking sheet with some force.
7. After a few seconds, remove the non-stick baking sheet and flip the other side pan fry till golden brown for both sides .

Texture: crispy if golden brown
soft if lightly brown only

           video demo 實作影片:  

I used this to slice the apple

Winter melon soup
1/2 winter melon
1 chicken tight
150g pork tenderloin
2 honey dates
some red dates (I didn't put, no stock at home)

1) Blanc the chicken tight
2) add 2 litres water in a pot, put in all ingredients 
3) Boil in high heat for 10mins, then turn to small fire and boil for 1.5 hours or more
4) Off fire then add in dash of pepper powder and ready to serve warm

Fried Chicken
2 chicken wings
some liquid amino
some garlic and ginger (crushed)
dash of pepper powder
some corn flour

marinated chicken with all ingredients except corn flour for at least 1 hour. coated with corn flour and deep fry/pan fry till golden brown.

The Stunning killer Toast

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

24/11/2015 Tuesday 番茄奶酪蒸飯

Happy Tuesday dear all.. 
I cook everyday and sometimes really don't know what shall I cook. I think this is a common doubt for all cooking mommies. This morning, I also wondered what shall I prepare for my 28mo gal and finally cooked the followings....

Breakfast: Sweet Potato Doughnut and fresh milk
Lunch and Dinner: Steam tomato cheesy rice
Teatime: Barley Tofu Skin Dessert with egg

65克 煮熟的蕃薯(任何番薯都可以)
2 湯匙 / 20克 低筋麵粉/蛋糕粉
1/2 湯匙 / 5克 太白粉/馬鈴薯澱粉
1/2 湯匙/ 5克全脂奶粉(可以使用任何豆粉)

1 )把一條連皮的紫色番薯放進沸水中煮15分鐘(或至軟)
2 )去皮並壓成泥然後稱好分量。
3 )加入麵粉,太白粉和奶粉,攪拌均勻,形成麵團。
5 )把平底不粘鍋加熱(非常非常小火)(無需放油) ,將甜甜圈放在鍋上,蓋上蓋子。燜煮1-2分鐘,然後翻另一邊,再蓋上蓋子燜煮1-2分鐘或至兩面金黃色即可。

Sweet Potato Doughnuts 
65g cooked mashed sweet potato
2 tbsp / 20g all purpose flour / cake flour
1/2tbsp / 5g potato starch
1/2 tbsp / 5g milk powder (or can use any soy milk powder)

1) boil sweet potato (with skin on) in boiling water for 15mins
2) peel and mash the cooked sweet potato
3) add in flour, potato starch and milk powder, mix well and form a soft dough
4) divide dough into 8 equally portions (12g each), roll into sticks, then connect both ends together and form a ring
5) heat non-stick pan with very small fire (no oil needed), place the doughnuts on the pan and cover with lid for 1-2mins. Over turn another side and pan cook 1-2 mins or till golden brown.

Steam Tomato Chicken Rice
Ingredients: (2 servings)
4 tbsp white rice (soak 30mins) 
4 cherry tomatoes 
10 cherry tomatoes (to blend with 2 tbsp water)
1 pc Brown Button mushroom
4 pc Chicken drummets (marinate with pepper powder and grape juice for 30mins)
dash of pepper powder
20g grated cheddar cheese (how to choose cheese for baby?)

1) Blend 10 cherry tomatoes with 2 tbsp water, sieve away skin and seeds.
2) Place soaked rice in 2 casserole bowls, follow by cherry tomato juice, chicken, mushroom and cut tomato.
3) shred the cheddar cheese as topping.
4) Steam with high heat for 20mins.

材料: ( 2貝比份)

1 )用果汁機把10顆櫻桃番茄和2湯匙水攪拌均勻,然後過篩掉皮和籽。
3 )用刨絲器把切達乾酪刨在上面。
4 )大火蒸20分鐘即可。

Barley TofuSkin Dessert 
3 pcs Tofu Skin (腐竹皮)
1/2 pack Barley (薏米)
1 pack Ginko (白果仁)
4 pcs hard-boiled eggs (雞蛋)
2-3 pcs white fungus (雪耳)
natural rock sugar to taste 

1) boil 1/2 big pot of water
2) soak the white fungus for 15mins, cut away hard part
3) add in barley and white fungus to the boiling water
4) wash and tear the tofu skin, put in when the water is boiling
5) cook the eggs in a separate pot for 5 mins, remove shell, set aside (add in the dessert 10mins before off fire)
6) add in ginko 10mins before off fire 
7) Cook the dessert in medium heat for 15mins, then turn to small heat for 30-45mins)
8) add in natural rock sugar and off fire. Can be served hot or cold

Monday, November 23, 2015

23/11/2015 Monday 紫薯奶油奶酪牛角麵包/螺旋卷麵包

Purple Sweet Potato cream cheese Horn Bread
100g All Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp Instant Dry Yeast
65-70ml Warm Fresh Milk/fullcream milk/formula milk
10g olive oil/grapeseed oil/rice bran oil/any vege oil
10g sugar
pinch of salt

Egg Wash: 1 quail egg (lightly beaten) or milk

80g mashed sweet potato
40g cream cheese 
To make cream cheese filling: Sieve mashed sweet potato through a strainer. Add in cream cheese and stir till well combined.

Utensil needed: 5 cream horn moulds (available at bakery ingredients shops)

1) in a mixing bowl, add in all ingredients 
2) mix and knead till hand is clean, bowl is clean and dough is smooth. (roughly 5mins )
3) cover dough with clean damp cloth, rest for 10mins
4) divide dough into 5 equally portions (37g each), Roll each into long strips and wind a strip around a greased horn mould from tapered point to wide end. (roughly 5mins)
6) Place on a greased baking tray, proof for another 30 minutes, in the OFF oven with a bowl of hot water.
7) Glaze with egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds on top (optional). Bake in a preheated oven at 180'C for 10-15 minutes or till light golden brown. (baking time vary for different oven)
8) Remove bread from the horn moulds. Cool bread on a wire rack. Pipe filling into the hollow centre. 

100克 中筋麵粉
1/2茶匙 即發乾酵母
65-70毫升 溫鮮奶/全脂奶 /配方奶
10克 橄欖油/葡萄籽油/米糠油/任何菜油
10克 蔗糖


80克 紫薯泥
40克 奶油奶酪


1. 粉類過篩。
2. 所有的材料全部拌勻,拌至無粉的狀態,碗和手都乾淨即可。(5分鍾)
3. 蓋上擰乾的濕布醒麵10分鐘。
4. 把麵團分成5份(每份37克), 每份麵團整形成長約40CM的長條,將麵條粘緊在抹過油的螺管的尖頭處,再一圈一圈地繞完螺管,底部也要粘緊。放入烤盤蓋上保鮮膜,放在溫暖處發酵約30分鐘。 (我放進烤箱裡,加一碗熱水)
5. 麵團表面均勻地刷上蛋液,送進已經預熱的烤箱180度,烘烤10-15分鐘或上色。
6. 麵包放涼後,將紫薯奶油奶酪醬擠在麵包內部。

Fusilli Pasta with Avocado Broccoli sauce
Pasta or any types of desired pasta, cook as per instructions 

My way of cooking to avoid mushy and soggy pasta:~
1) I cook pasta as per instruction on packaging, 
2) drain away the hot water
3) soak pasta in a big bowl of ICE cold water for 30 seconds
4) drain away the cold water
5) add 1-2 tsp rice bran oil or olive oil to the pasta and mix well

for reheating:~
1) Just scoop out the pasta portion, steam for 5 mins.
2) Pour in the heated pasta sauce
3) Ready to serve~ 

Avocado Broccoli sauce 
5 cloves garlic (sliced)
1/2 mashed avocado 
1/2 bowl broccoli
15g cheddar cheese
1/2 cup full cream milk
1 cup water
some pepper powder and Italian herbs

1) fast boil broccoli in boiling water for 2 mins
2) blend broccoli, avocado and milk till smooth
3) heat pan, add some olive oil, sauteed the garlic till fragrant
4) add in the blended broccoli, avocado puree and water. 
5) add in cheddar cheese, cook till boiling and cheese melted.
6) Off fire and add in pepper powder and Italian herbs. Ready to serve warm.

Sugarless Apple Cheese Cookies
45g grated apple (after drain off juice)
1 egg yolk
100g all purpose flour / cake flour
30g unsalted butter
20g grated cheddar cheese

1) beat butter and grated cheese till well combined
2) add in egg yolk and mix well.
3) add in grated apple and mix well too.
4) sieve in flour and gently fold in and finally use hand to form dough. (Do not over knead)
5) place dough in the cling wrap and roll the dough till 3-4mm thick. (Store in the fridge for 20-30mins if can't be handled easily)
6) cut by cookies cutter and gently touch up the exposed grated apple. Place on parchment paper carefully. 
7) bake at preheated oven at 180'C for 12-15mins, then lower to 150'C for 5 mins or till lightly golden brown

蘋果絲45g (大概1粒蘋果,刨絲,過篩取絲而已)
蛋黃 1顆
低筋麵粉 100g
無鹽奶油 30g
車打起司 20g

8.放進已經預熱到180度c的烤箱中烘烤12-15分鐘,再將溫度調整為150度烘烤5分鐘即可。 (時間依照餅乾厚度適當調整,不要烤焦哦~)