
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Thursday, January 7, 2016

7/1/2016 (Thu) sweet potato chips 番薯脆片

I was baking part of the sweet potato chips last night till 9.30pm only and accompanied my gal to go to shower and bed. The balance batter was kept n the zip lock bag and stored in the fridge. This morning, I continued baking the sweet potato chips and simple steam a Hainanese Chicken Rice for Lunch. Breakfast will be having hard boiled egg and fresh milk only. In between fruits will be served too. 

80克番薯泥 (連皮蒸/水煮都可以)
1 顆蛋黃

3) 加入太白粉,用湯匙攪拌均勻就可以了。
4) 把麵糊倒入一個膠袋子裡,剪個小洞。
5)在不沾黏烤紙上擠出大約1公分的小團,間隔大約5-6公分的空間,再擠出麵糊。 (圖1-2)
7)用手指輕壓在每一個麵糊上面,然後用一個底部平坦的碗/東西,壓在每一個麵團上面。 (圖5-6)(我用的是砂鍋碗,我只是放在每一個麵團上面而已,碗的重量自然地壓平麵團,我並沒有用力壓)
8) 送進已經預熱的烤箱160'C, 烤5分鍾, 然後取出烤盤,輕取上面那張不沾黏烤紙(圖A)

小貼示:本人比較喜歡一次性把3-4條的番薯/馬鈴薯連皮放進熱水里煮熟。然後,稍微涼一些時就去皮壓泥,收在幾個拉鍊鎖袋,壓成扁扁的,收進冷凍庫。 (如圖下)每次需要用時,就很容易解凍,因為很薄。由於煮1條番薯用15分鐘的煤氣,煮4條番薯也是用15分鐘的煤氣。能省就省吧~

Sweet Potato Chips
80g sweet potato puree ( steamed/boiled)
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp potato starch
5g unsalted butter

1) boil 1 medium size sweet potato (with skin on) in water, cook for 15mins or till can be poked in by fork. (you may skip this if you have frozen mashed sweet potato as I always do) Peel and mash the sweet potato with a fork.
2) in the mixing cup, add in sweet potato, egg yolk and butter. Use hand blender / blender to blend them till smooth
3) add in potato starch and stir well, then transfer it into a plastic bag, cut a hole at the edge (5mm size) then start squeezing the batter (about 1 cm pile size) on parchment paper/non stick baking sheet (pic 1-2), squeeze another with large gap (about 2 inches) between batter
4) place another sheet of parchment paper / non stick baking sheet to cover the squeezed batters (pic 3-4)
5) use you hand gently press on each batter, then use a flat bottom surface bowl or anything to press the batters gently. (pic 5-6) ( as I am using a casserole bowl, I just put the bowl on top of each batter, they are nicely pressed down with the bowl weight, I didn't use any force)
6) bake at preheated oven of 160'C for 5 mins, remove baking tray from oven. Gently remove the top parchment paper/non stick baking sheet. (pic A below)
7) return the baking tray to the oven and continue baking for 5-8 mins or till the sides start turning brown.

detail making photos

图A 轻取上面那张不沾黏烤紙
pic A (removing the top baking sheet)

網上資料/online information

丙烯酰胺是生產聚丙烯酰胺的原料。聚丙烯酰胺主要用於水的淨化處理、紙漿的加工及管道的內塗層等。澱粉類食品在高溫(120℃以上)烹調下容易產生丙烯酰胺。丙烯酰胺可見於吸煙、經高溫加工處理的澱粉食品及飲用水中。 2002年4月瑞典國家食品管理局和斯德哥爾摩大學研究人員率先報導,在一些油炸和燒烤的澱粉類食品中檢出丙烯酰胺,而且含量超過飲水中允許最大限量的500多倍。之後多國家也相繼報導了類似結果。






By Dr. Mercola

Acrylamide, a cancer-causing and potentially neurotoxic chemical, is created when carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked at high temperatures, whether baked, fried, roasted, grilled or toasted.

Some of the worst offenders include potato chips and French fries, but many foods cooked or processed at temperatures above 250 F/120 C may contain acrylamide.

As a general rule, the chemical is formed when food is heated enough to produce a fairly dry and brown/yellow surface … so if you're eating cooked foods that contain this characteristic, even if it was once a "healthy" natural food, like a sweet potato, it could be increasing your risk of cancer significantly.

WARNING: Some Potato Chips Contain Acrylamide in Levels 900 Times Over the Legal Limit

Acrylamide forms from a reaction between sugars and an amino acid (asparagine) during high-temperature cooking. While many foods – from coffee and breakfast cereal to bread – contain it, the highest levels have been detected in starchy plant-based foods, particularly French fries and potato chips. The federal limit for acrylamide in drinking water is 0.5 parts per billion, or about 0.12 micrograms in an eight-ounce glass of water.

However, a six-ounce serving of French fries can contain 60 micrograms of acrylamide, or about 500 times over the allowable limit.

Similarly, potato chips are notoriously high in this dangerous chemical. So high, in fact, that in 2005 the state of California actually sued potato chip makers for failing to warn California consumers about the health risks of acrylamide in their products. A settlement was reached in 2008 when Frito-Lay and several other potato chip makers agreed to reduce the acrylamide levels in their chips to 275 parts per billion (ppb) by 2011, which is low enough to avoid needing a cancer warning label.iii

Can You Reduce Your Exposure to Cancer-Causing Acrylamide?

Acrylamide levels vary greatly among processed foods, even among different batches of the same food item. The chemical has so far only been found in foods heated above 250 F/120 C, which includes most processed foods. Basing your diet on whole foods, with the majority or a significant portion eaten raw or only lightly cooked is therefore one of the best ways to avoid this cancer-causing cooking by product.

For the times when you do cook your food, here are some tips to keep in mind:
  • Frying, baking and broiling appear to be the worst offenders, while boiling or steaming appear to be much safer
  • Longer cooking times increase acrylamide, so the shorter the duration of cooking, the better
  • Soaking raw potatoes in water for 15-30 minutes prior to roasting may help reduce acrylamide formation during cooking
  • The darker brown the food, the more acrylamide it contains (for instance, dark brown toast compared to light brown toast)
  • Acrylamide is found primarily in plant-based foods, such as potatoes and grain products (not typically in meat, dairy or seafood)
  • In addition, the HEATOX scientists discovered that you're far less likely to ingest dangerous levels of the toxin when you eat home-cooked foods compared to industrially or restaurant-prepared foods. And when you do eat at home, the best advice they could give was to avoid overcooking your food.
BABY Hainanese Chicken Rice 
4-5 tbsp pearl rice
1 chicken drumstick
4-5 pcs baby french bean
5g unsalted butter
2 shallots
4-5 slices ginger
1/2 tsp liquid amino or pinch of salt
dash of pepper powder
some green onion / vegetables (optional)
2 pcs pandan leaves (optional)

1) soak pearl rice for 1 hour
2) chop shallots finely
3) cut ginger into slices, dice the mushroom and celery
4) heat pan with low fire, add in a little olive oil and butter, sauteed shallot and ginger till fragrance
5) add in chicken and baby french beans, stir fry till light golden brown
6) throw away the soaked water, pour the rice into the pan, follow by salt/liquid amino and pepper. Stir fry for 2 mins and off fire.
7) transfer the rice and chicken into rice cooker, pour adequate water to cover rice, tie the pandan leaves and put on top of the rice
8) cook rice as usual in rice cooker or steam for 15-20mins.

1/2茶匙 少鹽醬油/液體氨基或少許鹽

1 )浸泡米1個小時。
2 )把蔥頭剁細。
3 )把生薑切成片,把洋菇切成顆粒。
4 )把鍋加熱,倒入少許橄欖油和奶油,爆香蔥頭和姜。
5 )加入雞肉和四季豆苗翻炒至淺金黃色。
6 )倒掉浸泡米的水,把米放入油鍋裡然後加入鹽或少鹽醬油和胡椒粉炒大约2分钟后熄火。
7 )舀出米飯和雞肉,放入電飯鍋,倒入適量水蓋過米。把班蘭葉紮好,放在米上面。
8 )像往常一樣在電飯煲煮飯或放進蒸籠大火蒸15-20分鐘即可。

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