
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Saturday, January 16, 2016

自制蜜汁肉干(新年系列)updated recipe 19/1/2018

CNY is approaching and I am warming up to bake some CNY food for my family and little one... ^.^

猪绞肉 (中嘴肉)650克
鱼露 1汤匙 
酱油 2汤匙
天然椰花糖 80克
蜜糖 2汤匙
绍兴酒 / 玫瑰露酒 1汤匙
胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
左口鱼粉 2茶匙
盐 一咪咪而已

刷面用:蜜糖 少许

面包机:全部材料混合,tesco 面包机8号(20分钟) 搅拌至起胶质。

3)预热烤箱160度,把1/3 或1/2 的肉碎分量(请依照自己烤盘大小拿捏)倒入已经铺上不粘烤纸的烤盘。用汤匙压平,然后覆盖另一张不粘烤纸在肉碎上面,用擀面棍滚压成均匀的厚度。
5)把烤盘取出,温度提高至180度。在肉脯上面刷上薄薄一层蜜糖, 在烤箱中层继续烤10分钟。
6) 取出肉脯稍微待凉后剪成方形一片片,把每片肉脯翻面。把烤箱再次提高至200度,放在最高那层,继续烘烤5分钟即可。(请看守烤箱以免烤焦了~)



Homemade Dried Meat / Pork Jerky / Bak Kwa
(Adult Version)
650g fresh minced meat (I used shoulder loin 中嘴肉)
1 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
80g coconut flower sugar
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp shaoxin wine / rose wine
1/4 tsp pepper powder
2 tsp flounger fish seasoning
pinch of salt

some honey to brush on surface

By Bradmaker: Put all ingredients in the breadmaker inner pot, select function no 8 "DOUGH" mode, on for 20 mins until the mixture becomes sticky and gluey.
By Hand: In a big bowl, add in all the ingredients. Stir the mixture with a pair of chopsticks in one direction only until it becomes sticky and gluey.
2) Cover with cling wrap and keep in the fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight.
3) Remove from fridge. Preheat oven to 160'C (upper and lower heat). Use a spoon, take out 1/2 or 1/3 of the meat mixture (depend on your baking tray size) onto the baking tray which laid with non-stick baking sheet. spread evenly then cover the meat mixture with another piece of non-stick baking sheet. Use a roller pin to roll it evenly and thinly.
4) remove the upper non-stick baking sheet, put in the middle rack and bake for 15 mins.
5) remove baking tray from the oven and increase the temperature to 180'C. Brush some honey evenly on the meat surface. put in the middle rack again and bake for 10 mins.
6) remove baking tray and cut the pork jerky into desired size then FLIP OVER them on the baking tray. Increase temperature to 200'C and place on the upper rack and bake for 5 mins. (Lastly 5 mins please monitor to avoid burnt)

Below is the dried meat recipe for TODDLERS~ ^.^

猪绞肉 (中嘴肉)300克
天然酱油 2汤匙
天然椰花糖 10克
蜜糖 4汤匙
绍兴酒 / 玫瑰露酒 1茶匙
胡椒粉 1/8茶匙

刷面用:蜜糖 少许

面包机:全部材料混合,tesco 面包机8号(20分钟) 搅拌至起胶质。

3)预热烤箱160度,把1/3 或1/2 的肉碎分量(请依照自己烤盘大小拿捏)倒入已经铺上不粘烤纸的烤盘。用汤匙压平,然后覆盖另一张不粘烤纸在肉碎上面,用擀面棍滚压成均匀的厚度。
5)把烤盘取出,温度提高至180度。在肉脯上面刷上薄薄一层蜜糖, 在烤箱中层继续烤10分钟。
6) 取出肉脯稍微待凉后剪成方形一片片,把每片肉脯翻面。把烤箱再次提高至200度,放在最高那层,继续烘烤5分钟即可。(请看守烤箱以免烤焦了~)

Homemade Dried Meat / Pork Jerky / Bak Kwa
(BABY Version)
300g fresh minced meat (I used shoulder loin 中嘴肉)
2 tbsp liquid amino
10g coconut flower sugar
4 tbsp honey
1 tsp shaoxin wine / rose wine
1/8 tsp pepper powder

some honey to brush on surface

By Bradmaker: Put all ingredients in the breadmaker inner pot, select function no 8 "DOUGH" mode, on for 20 mins until the mixture becomes sticky and gluey.
By Hand: In a big bowl, add in all the ingredients. Stir the mixture with a pair of chopsticks in one direction only until it becomes sticky and gluey.
2) Cover with cling wrap and keep in the fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight.
3) Remove from fridge. Preheat oven to 160'C (upper and lower heat). Use a spoon, take out 1/2 or 1/3 of the meat mixture (depend on your baking tray size) onto the baking tray which laid with non-stick baking sheet. spread evenly then cover the meat mixture with another piece of non-stick baking sheet. Use a roller pin to roll it evenly and thinly.
4) remove the upper non-stick baking sheet, put in the middle rack and bake for 15 mins.
5) remove baking tray from the oven and increase the temperature to 180'C. Brush some honey evenly on the meat surface. put in the middle rack again and bake for 10 mins.
6) remove baking tray and cut the pork jerky into desired size then FLIP OVER them on the baking tray. Increase temperature to 200'C and place on the upper rack and bake for 5 mins. (Lastly 5 mins please monitor to avoid burnt)

I use Coconut sugar just because Coconut sugar had a lower glycemic index, a measure of how quickly a food raises your blood sugar levels, on every one of those seven samples. Researchers here determined coconut sugar had a glycemic index of about 35, officially ranking it a low-glycemic sweetener.

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