
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

1/6/2016 (Wed) 鮮橙布丁

I forgot to set alarm last night ended this morning I could only wake up at 6am. Rushing cooking for my little princess with simple and easy meals.
Breakfast: soft boiled egg(safe egg) and fresh milk
Lunch and dinner: noodle with baked fish and tomato avocado sauce
Teatime: fresh orange pudding


soft boiled egg
洋蔥 3/4 - 1粒
奶油果 1/2粒
小番茄 10粒

1. 五穀面放進沸水煮熟,過冷水後加入橄欖油攪拌均勻備用。
2. 煮麵的同時可以把洋蔥,洋菇,小番茄切成小顆粒。
3. 用小火熱鍋然後倒入米糠油然後爆香洋蔥至變色變軟。
4. 然後加入番茄和奶油果翻炒一下,然後加入1杯熱水,撒入胡椒粉,蓋上鍋蓋燜煮至剩下少許水分。
5. 炒好後,舀入玻璃瓶/杯,用手持式攪拌機打成幼滑泥狀。
6. 把煮好打滑的醬淋在麵條上即可享用。
*** 也可以配上一些肉類或魚類。我加了奶酪烤魚柳,食譜如下~ **​​

2 片 魚柳
1-2粒 洋菇 
1/4個 洋蔥 (切碎)
少許 胡椒粉
1/2湯匙 橄欖油
20克 車達起司

1 )把魚柳鋪在鋁箔紙上,撒點胡椒粉。
2 )熱鍋加些油,炒香洋蔥後分別鋪在魚柳上面。
3 )把洋菇顆粒也鋪上,最後把奶酪撒在上面,送進已經預熱的烤箱上層以200'C烤10-15分鐘。

5-grain Noodle with tomato avocado Sauce
1 serving of Organic 5-grain Noodle 
3/4 - 1pc Onion 
1/2 pc avocado
10 cherry tomatoes
2 tbsp Rice bran oil / olive oil 
Pepper to taste

1. cook noodle in boiling water as per instruction, cool in cold water then add in some olive oil and mix well, set aside.
2. Dice onion, mushrooms and tomatoes while cooking the noodle.
3. heat pan, add some oil, saute the onion till soften and color changed.
4. Then add in tomato and avocado, stir fry for a while, dash in the pepper then add 1 cup of hot water, cover and shimmer until little water is remained.
5. Scoop the soften tomato mixture into a glass/cup, using a hand blender to blend till smooth and creamy.
6. Serve noodle with the sauce and enjoy~
*** You may serve with side dishes such as meat or fish like do. Baked Cheesy Fish Fillet, recipe as follows ~ ***

Baked Cheesy Fish Fillet
(Suitable for babies above 9m)
2pcs fish fillets
1-2pcs brown button mushroom
1/4 pc onion (diced)
Dash of pepper
1/2 tbsp olive oil
20g grated cheddar cheese

1) Place the fish fillets on the aluminium foil paper and dash in some pepper powder.
2) In a heated pan, add some oil and saute the onion. Then put the sauteed onion on top of the fillets.
3) lay the sliced mushroom and sprinkle the cheese on top too. Bake in a preheated oven of 200'C at the upper rack for 10-15 minutes.

鮮橙 一粒大的
1/4茶匙 燕菜粉 (寒天粉)
1/4茶匙 無味果凍粉

1 )把橙切一半,用湯匙把橙的果肉挖出,橙皮備用。白色的部分去掉,放入果汁機打成果汁泥。
5 )保存在冰箱至凝固即可。 。冰涼很美味哦〜

Orange Pudding
One large orange
1/4 teaspoon Agar-agar powder 
1/4 teaspoon jelly powder

1 ) Cut orange into half, scoop out the orange pulp with a spoon, orange peel set aside. Remove the white part, then put in blender and blend till puree.
2 ) weighed 150 g / ml of orange puree ( if not enough, you can add some boiled water ) .
3) Pour 50g/ml of the orange juice into a small pot, add in agar-agar powder and jelly powder, stir well.
4 ) Cook under medium heat till boil, turn to small fire and boil for 1 minute. Turn off the heat , put in the remaining juice puree and quickly stir well. Pour into the orange peel mold.
5 ) store in the refrigerator until set . . better taste when served cold~

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